Canada Evidence Act ( R.S.C. , 1985, c. C-5)

It does not include any proceeding in the Federal Court or the Federal Court of Appeal that is in respect of a matter under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and does not include a proceeding in which information may be disclosed to either of those courts for a purpose listed in the schedule. ( instance fédérale )

means a party to a federal proceeding who is neither the Attorney General of Canada nor represented by the Attorney General of Canada. ( partie non gouvernementale )

means a person who, in connection with a federal proceeding, is required to disclose, or expects to disclose or cause the disclosure of, information. ( participant )

has the same meaning as in section 38. ( renseignements potentiellement préjudiciables )

has the same meaning as in section 38. ( renseignements sensibles )

means a person appointed as a special counsel under section 38.34. ( conseiller juridique spécial )

Notice to Attorney General of Canada
During federal proceeding
Notice of disclosure from official
During federal proceeding
Disclosure prohibited