The impact of learning disabilities is lifelong. The issues that made school work so challenging as a child crop up again in the workplace, in social situations, and in our homes. Paperwork and reports at work; keeping up with bills; and helping our children with their homework can be a struggle.
Maybe you grew up knowing you had a learning disability and received special education services. Or you struggled with learning difficulties and never knew exactly how to identify the problem. As an adult, you are probably now in command of a number of techniques that make life easier. Over the years, you have figured out ways to obtain and keep track of the information you need. You have developed systems to get organized. On this page, you can find even more avenues to success at work, in your relationships, and in the community.
[,"title":"Screening Adults for Learning Disabilities","excerpt":"Learn what an LD screening is, how it differs from a diagnosis, and more.","content":"What is learning disability (LD) screening? Screening is the first step in the process of gathering relevant information about an individual with a suspected learning disability. Screening does not determine whether or not the person has a learning disability. It may include observations, informal interviews, the use of a written","author":,"date":"Jul 13, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-07-13 19:44:34","modifiedDate":"2023-07-13 15:44:35","modifiedDateGMT":"2023-07-13 19:44:35","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":Adults with LD Page","space":"Adults with LD Page">,"taxonomies":,"readTime":,"status":"publish">,,"title":"What's the Big Deal About Executive Functions?","excerpt":"","content":"[excerpts from a forthcoming book by Chris A. Zeigler Dendy & Dr. Ruth Hughes] Over the last 10 to 15 years educators and researchers discovered that executive skills have a profound impact not only on academic success, but also success in the workplace. In fact, researchers report that one particular","author":,"date":"Jul 13, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-07-13 19:37:32","modifiedDate":"2023-07-13 15:37:33","modifiedDateGMT":"2023-07-13 19:37:33","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":Adults with LD Page","space":"Adults with LD Page">,"taxonomies":,"readTime":,"status":"publish">,,"title":"Removing Barriers for Individuals with Learning Disabilities in the Workplace","excerpt":"Learn about reasonable accommodations in the workplace, the ADA, and more.","content":"by Amy Barto The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a civil rights law which prohibits discrimination solely on the basis of disabilty in employment, public services, and accommodations. In this month\u2019s Research segment, we looked closely at the structure of this law and definitions of the key terms \u201cdisability\u201d","author":,"date":"Jul 13, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-07-13 19:36:00","modifiedDate":"2023-07-13 15:36:01","modifiedDateGMT":"2023-07-13 19:36:01","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":Adults with LD Page","space":"Adults with LD Page">,"taxonomies":,"readTime":,"status":"publish">,,"title":"The Adult Learning Disability Assessment Process","excerpt":"Learn where to start searching for an adult assessment, why someone should be assessed, and more.","content":"If you are an adult and suspect that you have a learning disability (LD) you may be at a loss about how to obtain testing and the assessment process. This guide will walk you through a learning disability assessment process, and show you where to start looking for an assessment.","author":,"date":"Jul 13, 2023","dateGMT":"2023-07-13 19:32:53","modifiedDate":"2023-07-13 15:44:59","modifiedDateGMT":"2023-07-13 19:44:59","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":Adults with LD Page","space":"Adults with LD Page">,"taxonomies":Adults">,"readTime":,"status":"publish">,,"title":"Job Resources By State for Adults with Learning Disabilities","excerpt":"We've created a directory of resources for individuals with LD who are looking for job and workplace resources.","content":"We've created a directory of resources for individuals with LD who are looking for job and workplace resources. Below are links to each state\u2019s labor commission\u2019s disability employment services. These resources can include: Job matching and placement services for individuals with disabilities Services to assist with employment Information about the","author":,"date":"Oct 10, 2022","dateGMT":"2022-10-10 18:48:20","modifiedDate":"2023-10-16 11:58:51","modifiedDateGMT":"2023-10-16 15:58:51","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":Adults with LD Page, Adults with Learning Disabilities, News","space":"Adults with LD Page Adults with Learning Disabilities News">,"taxonomies":Adults">,"readTime":,"status":"publish">,,"title":"Learning Programs for Adults with LD: Where to Start","excerpt":"","content":"Depending on where you live and the availability of resources in your area, you may be able to find a program that teaches reading, writing, math, or job skills. It can be difficult to determine where to begin your search for adult learning programs, so we\u2019ve compiled a guide to","author":,"date":"May 25, 2022","dateGMT":"2022-05-25 14:59:55","modifiedDate":"2023-07-13 15:38:00","modifiedDateGMT":"2023-07-13 19:38:00","commentCount":"0","commentStatus":"closed","categories":Adult Literacy, Adults with LD Page, Adults with Learning Disabilities","space":"Adult Literacy Adults with LD Page Adults with Learning Disabilities">,"taxonomies":Adults">,"readTime":,"status":"publish">]